ChurchMag Podcast
The #1 Resource for Church Technology and Creativity
334 episodes
333 - Self-care, Mental Health - The Signs
How we take care of ourselves is a spiritual matter. Rest is a spiritual discipline. God makes a big deal about it. In this episode Blessing Mpofu and
332 - Working Cross Denominationally and Culturally
The Church is inherently diverse. Not only at a macro, big "C" Church level, but also in the micro or local churches diversity is something we [should] embrace as our default setting. Blessing ...
331 - Matt Hogg On Church Digital & Social Media
Matt Hogg joins Blessing Mpofu and Chris Wilson. Matt is a vicar (pastor) in London, and talks about his initial apprehension to digital...
330 - Motives and Metrics In Church Life and Media
Blessing Mpofu and Chris Wilson wrestle with where the lines blur when it comes to motives and metrics in church life and media. What's ...
329 - From No Data To Understanding Your Church's Trends
Blessing Mpofu has a conversation with Jono Hesp, who has extensive experience working data, church management and other database solutions...
328 - Privacy AND Sharing; A Delayed WWDC Reaction
Yes, we know, we know. Apple's WWDC 2021 happened a while ago. But guess what? Somewhere in the mine conversation post that event there were some gems we just had to share. In this episode Bles...
327 - Creating Useful Guides And Documentation
In this ChurchMag Podcast episode Blessing Mpofu has a conversation with Chris Wilson about creating helpful how-to-guides and documenta...
326 - Collaboration Platforms
Chris Wilson and Blessing Mpofu are back in the episode, talking about collaboration platforms and solutions. They talk about ones they'...
325 - Logos Daily
Blessing Mpofu and Chris Wilson have a conversation with Jason Brueckner and Ryland Brown from Logos ...
324 - Making Social More Social
In the previous podcast episode, "The Sate Of Social" we surveyed the state of the social aspect on social media and networks. We pick up the conversation in this episode talking about ...
323 - The State of Social In Social
The State of Social In Social With social media as ubiquitous as it is, talking about it, though sometimes exhausting, is still worthwhile. In this episode Blessing Mpofu and Chris Wilson have the first of two conversations, abou...
322 - End Of An Intermission
After an unusually long ChurchMag Podcast hiatus Blessing does an editor's drop to say hello and shed a little light on the impact of 2020. He says what's been happening and announces a little of what's happening with the ChurchMag Podcast and ...
321 - Are You Tired of Video Conference Calls?
Dear Diary,It's March 249th, 2020. COVID-19 has been with us for a long time, now and we have had more video conference calls this month than our entire lives previously.Will I make it to April?-- Signed: Tired of Pandemics...
320 - Truth & Politics
This week on the podcast we share something we recorded back in March of this year and seems to have become even more relevant over the past several months.Here are all the links we referred to in this episode:
319 - Facing Our First World Problems
How are you facing your first world problems?"First world problems" is somewhat complicated. On one hand, we shouldn't complain while so many people in the world have much more serious issues to handle. On the other hand, a "first world ...
318 - Back to School or Back to the Drawing Board?
With different states and countries in different phases of "re-opening" we talk about schools. And there are some thoughts about youth ministry and evangelism. On the overall this episode is also about about the profound impact on a generation,...
317 - Will Conferences Ever Return?
With a global pandemic, we have all had our share of video calls and Zoom meetings. There have been thousands of in-person conferences that have either been canceled or transformed into webinars.Will the conferences we have come to know ...
316 - Church Planting In Times Of A Pandemic
After months of a global pandemic and economic strain, what affect has it had on church planting?Join the conversation on this week's episode by using the #cmagcast hashtag or send us an email at and we'll share your c...
315 - Church Tech Budgets During COVID Fallout
COVID is bringing along with it economic turmoil in its wake. This ultimately affects church budgets -- so what do you do about your church tech budget?Should it be slashed? Should it be expanded?The answer isn't as obvious as you...
314 - Do You Have Church Streaming Fatigue?
Are you experiencing -- STREAMING FATIGUE?That's the term we've coined for the feeling you get after "attending" church service streams for months on end.Is it sustainable? Is it working? Where do we go from here?
313 - What Are We Building?
Over the past several weeks, the United States has begun to rethink and question some of the monuments, statues, signs, and symbols used throughout the public space. This has prompted us to take a moment of reflection and consider the question ...
312 - ChurchMag COVID Survey
We need your help!This week on the podcast we would love it if you could take a few minutes and take our COVID survey -- right here!If that link isn't working with your podcast player...
311 - COVID Contrast: Online vs Face-to-Face
We've talked about the differences between online and face-to-face relationships before. This time, however, we have a unique opportunity to compare the two experiences in a real A/B comparison.Jeremy shares his experience as a counselor...