ChurchMag Podcast
The #1 Resource for Church Technology and Creativity
ChurchMag Podcast
320 - Truth & Politics
This week on the podcast we share something we recorded back in March of this year and seems to have become even more relevant over the past several months.
Here are all the links we referred to in this episode:
- Robert Downey Jr and Tom Holland in Back to the future - This is heavy! [ deepfake ]
- Trump Shared a Fake Video of Biden. We Asked His Campaign Why.
- White House shares edited video to justify revoking press pass of CNN's Jim Acosta
- Photoshop Will Help ID Images That Have Been … Photoshopped
- Adobe, Stanford and Princeton have developed deepfake software that can change video dialogue. Here's how it works
- Unboxing The Pablo Escobar Fold 2
- The Truth About the Escobar Folding Phone!
Tell us what you think on Twitter — @ChurchMag using #cmagcast — contact us here or by email at — and we’ll share it on an upcoming episode.